Just a copy of the other column to indicate
Dealer East
♠ AKJ63
♥ 864
♦ Q5
♣ KJ8
♠ 92
♥ Q103
♦ 1073
♣ 97432
♠ Q8
♥ 972
♦ AKJ642
♣ Q10
♠ 10754
♥ AKJ5
♦ 98
♣ A65
Dealer East North South Vulnerable
West North East South
…..….…… 1♦ Double
Pass 4♠ Pass Pass
East opens 1♦ and South doubles for Take Out, asking North to bid. North bids straight to game as A) she knows partner has 12+ points for their double and B) knows that partner has at least three spades and probably four.
East will lead A♦, Jack’s Favourite lead, follow up with K♦ and switch to a safe 7♥, M.U.D. Declarer wins A♥ and must draw trumps first by playing AK♠, “playing for the drop”, hoping trumps are 2 – 2, which they are.
Declarer now takes the heart finesse (6♥ to J♥), losing to Q♥. However with hearts 3 – 3, the losing club can be thrown away on dummy’s winning 13th heart (5♥). 4♠ made.
Note that had hearts not divided kindly, declarer would have fallen back on the club finesse (5♣ to J♣) which would have lost to the Q♣ on this occasion.