Dealer North
♠ AQ7
♦ QJ10987
♣ –
♠ KJ1086
♥ 5432
♦ –
♣ KQJ10
♠ 95432
♥ –
♦ 65432
♣ 432
♠ –
♥ 109876
♦ AK
♣ A98765
Dealer North East West Vulnerable
Lead ♣K
Contract 7♥
Jack’s bridge columns can be found at the back of Saturday’s magazine section of the Yorkshire Post.
- On ♣K lead, throw ♦7 from dummy (1st KEY PLAY) and win ♣A. It is important to keep ♠Q and ♠7 intact in dummy as you need to trump both of them in hand to reduce declarer’s trump holding to three hearts.
- Play ♥6 to dummy’s ♥J
- Play ♠A from dummy throwing ♦K
- Play ♠Q from dummy, trumping in hand with ♥7
- Play ♥8 to dummy’s ♥Q
- Play ♠7 from dummy trumping in hand with ♥9
- Play ♥10 from hand to dummy’s ♥K
- Declarer now has no trumps left in hand (trumped two spades and drawn three rounds of trumps).
- Draw the last trump by playing ♥A from dummy and …….
10.2nd KEY PLAY – declarer’s hand has no trumps left so DISCARD ♦A
11.Now with trumps drawn and diamonds unblocked, dummy’s ♦QJ1098 are all winners!
12.Well played.
The key was to be able to discard ♦AK to unblock the suit. One honour (♦K) goes on dummy’s ♠A and the other (♦A) goes on dummy’s long trump (♥A).
To enable this declarer must trump two losing spades in hand to make sure dummy had one more trump than declarer.